One of the things that I find rather frustrating about blogs is that quite often they just ramble on - while I appreciate that everyone has something to share, I often find myself pressed for time and am looking for specific answers or guidance. Therefore, with the assistance of a great SEO company, Internet Highway, as this blog comes to life I want to give it some direction.
Speaking specifically to Bankruptcy and Family Law, when folks have to seek out an attorney it is most likely because they are in need of help, not because they have an overwhelming desire to bond with someone they pay by the hour! (no jokes please) Most folks, prior to actually making an appointment to speak with someone, likely do some Internet searching first. Given that premise I undertake this blog for two reasons.
First, I want to introduce myself and allow folks to get a better understanding of who I am and, more importantly (at least it would be for me), is to better understand the kind of lawyer and person that I am! Let me try and explain; my wife's favorite joke is "What is the difference between a lawyer and a catfish?" (sorry, you aren't going to get the punch line out of me!) and, because we all know at least one lawyer joke, my intent is to differentiate myself from the reputation my profession has earned!
Secondly, and personally of greater significance, is to provide some help! A blog in and of itself is not going to reach out and make your problems go away, but hopefully, it will at least convey to you, a friend or a family member, that there is someone out there that cares and can help! When life reaches out and grabs us with overwhelming family problems, or the creditors calls are getting intrusive, is when we sit down at the computer and try to figure out what to do. I want this blog to be the lifeline that you, or someone that you know, can hang onto.
Understanding that this is how I make my living - this is what puts food on the table - Yes, I would like your business. However, I want you to understand that as an individual (with my many flaws, quirks and less that always perfect reactions) I practice my profession with the foremost thought to help! In short, if I do not think that I can help you, or that you even need the services of an attorney, then I will tell you. If I know, I'll likely point you in the right direction, either to another professional, or maybe to a site and show you how to do it yourself!
So, in the coming weeks and months I am going (OK, what I really mean is that I'm really going to try hard and do this) to post several times a week. Since I call myself a Family Law and Bankruptcy attorney that will be the focus of my topics. I don't intend to make this a totally self-help blog - meaning that I'm not going to teach in such detail that you don't need me! (Remember, I did say that this is what puts food on my table). What I will write about are things that get you thinking about what you can do or which direction you should head. For example, "Is Bankruptcy right for me?", "What does it mean if I adopt my step-child?", "What does Chapter 13 mean?", "Can I stop this foreclosure?", or "Do I really need a will?". If you need to talk to someone about what to do, then I hope that you will consider me your resource!
So, I hope you stumble across this site and take the time to read a posting or two. If you find them provocative or helpful then take a sec and post a comment. Maybe share them with a friend that might need a chance at a lifeline. Seriously, help me help someone else!
Have a Tebow kinda day!
(stand up for what you believe in)